Staffing agencies

The Staffing Professional’s Guide to Business Development on LinkedIn

As a staffing professional, it’s not easy to break into new accounts. It’s become increasingly more difficult to get the attention of prospects, and the traditional methods of cold calling and sending a blind email aren’t as effective as they used to be. Clients have more channels to research potential partners than ever before. They’re making decisions based on their networks’ recommendations and information they find online. All of which can make your job more difficult – or easier, if you’re utilizing your resources in the right way.

Today, the world’s best staffing sales professionals act like marketers. They’re investing in their brands and engaging with prospects so that their firm is top of mind when it comes time to fill an open req. As a result, they’re able to recruit new clients and grow their business efficiently.

There are several ways you can use LinkedIn to proactively strengthen your business development practices. To help with that, we’re excited to announce our newest eBook, Business Development on LinkedIn: The Staffing Professional’s Guide. Though the ebook, you’ll learn strategies to:

1. Build your personal brand to attract potential clients

2. Engage your target audiences via status updates & Groups

3. Recruit new clients by leveraging commonalities and Search Alerts

Download the eBook to begin implementing business development strategies for LinkedIn and in the coming weeks, check back here for more tips, customer success stories, and insights to help you put these methods into practice.

staffing guide to business development

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