LinkedIn product tips

Rewarding Recruiters for InMails That Receive Responses

At LinkedIn, we’re focused on helping you be a more efficient and productive recruiter. One of the key ways we do that is by enabling you to contact prospects via InMail. We’ve made a few InMail policy updates this year to increase InMail response rates by encouraging recruiters to send more personalized InMails. As a result, InMail response rates -- on average -- have increased by more than 25%. It’s a win-win: Members are receiving more personalized InMails regarding relevant opportunities, and recruiters are receiving more responses.

But there is an opportunity to further improve the member experience and increase InMail response rates. Per our existing InMail policy, InMails that don’t receive a response are credited back to the sender. That encourages some recruiters to continue sending generic InMails that get fewer responses, create a poor member experience, and cause some members to be less responsive to other recruiters’ InMails. With this in mind, we’re updating our InMail policy.

Starting January, 2015, an InMail that gets a response within 90 days will be credited back to the sender. An InMail that doesn’t get a response within 90 days won’t be credited back to the sender. A “response” is an InMail that a member either responds to or clicks “not interested.” InMails can accrue for up to 90 days and be pooled across your teams, if you’re a Recruiter or Recruiter Professional Services user.

In conjunction with this update, Recruiter users will receive 150 InMails per month (up from 50), Recruiter Professional Services users will receive 100 (up from 50), Recruiter Lite users will receive 30 (up from 25), and Talent Finder users will remain at 25. Plus, for the month of January, Recruiter and Recruiter Professional Services users will get an extra 100 InMails to help them ease into this new policy. To see how many InMails you have, Recruiter, Recruiter Professional Services and Recruiter Lite users can visit the InMail inbox page; and Talent Finder users can visit the Privacy & Settings tab.

This InMail policy update will take effect across all of our Premium Subscriptions -- including Sales Navigator and the Job Seeker Premium Subscription.

And for the latest and greatest tips on how to increase your InMail response rates, check out our InMail eBook and our Director of Talent Acquisition Brendan Browne’s recent article in, 5 Tips to Help Increase Your InMail Response Rates.

Moving forward, we’ll continue to explore all the ways we can further improve InMail for you and our members.

* image by Wayne Stadler

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