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The Modern Recruiter is Part Artist, Part Scientist [INFOGRAPHIC]

To be a great recruiter today, you have to be part artist and part scientist.

Now, that doesn’t mean pulling out your watercolors and test tubes -- chances are, you’re already a lot more creative and analytical than you think.

Take a look at this infographic that showcases if you’ve got what it takes to make the cut:

modern recruiter part artist part scientist

Consider your day-to-day activities as a recruiter.

You’re constantly interacting with people, matching the perfect candidate with a role and evaluating skill sets and personalities.  You’re also marketing and selling both yourself and your jobs and acting as an advisor to leadership. Now, if all that doesn’t require some artistry, then I don’t know what does.

But, you can’t solely rely on your ability to think outside the box. Today, you have to have data and facts to back up your decisions and get buy-in from the rest of your organization. You also have to be up to date and able to take advantage the latest trends, tools, and innovations.

Our ebook, “LinkedIn Essentials: The Modern Recruiter’s Guide” covers the principles of modern recruiting and includes tips on that can help you reach your talent acquisition goals.

Guide to Recruiting on LinkedIn Modern Recruiter

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