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LinkedIn Members Warm to Recruiter Messages, Popular Poll Shows

Does it bother professionals to get unsolicited recruitment messages on LinkedIn? The thought occurred to David Cunniffe, an Ireland-based banking and financial services recruiting manager, who posted his query using LinkedIn Polls. He had no idea he’d created one of the fastest-growing and most popular polls we’ve seen. Almost 14,000 members weighed in, and more than 1,000 left their comments.

As you'll see in the image below, the vast majority of respondents agreed it wouldn’t bother them to hear from a recruiter, provided that the role was relevant to their experience.


For those who are relatively new to passive candidate recruiting, it can be daunting to reach out to professionals who aren't actively seeking a career change - but this poll shows that provided you've done your homework and put some thought into your InMail, high-quality candidates are willing to enter a discussion.  In fact, many respondents were inviting headhunters to reach out right away!  Others said they’d be glad to forward opportunities on to their networks if it wasn’t a fit for them.

A few quotes from the comments give you an idea of what our members really think about the issue:

“Even if it is not a position I may be interested in, I am always happy to help direct recruiters to colleagues that I know that might be interested.”
Senior Director, Biotechnology Industry

“Since LinkedIn is the primary social media tool that I use, it's great when a recruiter contacts me.”
Senior Business Analyst, Information Technology & Services Industry

“[I do not mind] at all - so long as the opportunity is relevant and the recruiter is professional.”
Employee Relations Representative, Package/Freight Delivery Industry

“Call now! Operators are on duty!”
Managing Director, Printing Industry

“I found my current role through a recruiter who found my information on LinkedIn...and this job has been an absolute dream come true!!”
Recruiter, Staffing Industry

Poll respondents also shared a few helpful tips for recruiters looking to source candidates on LinkedIn:

  • Be relevant – study your target’s profile and make sure the role you’re offering is a fit for their experience.
  • Be friendly - it’s a social network after all, and people are inclined to help or work with people they like.
  • Do what you say you’re doing to do: don’t over-promise and under-deliver.

Whether you're looking for the right talent on LinkedIn or hoping to find your next great opportunity, we wish all our members the best of luck. If you have any questions or stories to share, please feel free to leave your comments below.

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